Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Word on Makeup Workshops

What a great workshop yesterday, thank you so much to all 29 of you! I'll have the lesson plans on this thing soon since only a few of you received hard copies of them!

But the big question on a lot your minds is: so how do I finish my intensive/workshop commitment if that was the last content workshop? 

A: Fear not! We have planned two release days as makeup workshops:

May 13th and May 15th. They will be pedagogy workshops focusing on subtle shifts in the newly adopted science materials.

Also we are planning at least one date in June but since we are working hard bending over backwards to help you finish your commitment we need you to absolutely attend the May dates unless you truly cannot.

That said - Have a great Sunday and good luck in these next weeks preparing and administering those tests. 

Please let us know if we can be of any assistance!



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